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Travel around Kaunas Lagoon with a personal audio guide!

Žiegždriai Geological Trail


By taking a walk along the well-equipped Žiegždriai Geological Trail, here and there leaning on Kaunas Reservoir slope, you will not only burn about 120 calories but also learn what is the difference between stalactites and stalagmites - and memorize it for life. Yes, this is a unique place in Lithuania where you can find needles in the rocks which were formed by dripping water and stalactites with the thickness of a finger.

The wooden trail (constructed like a long ladder) 1.6 km in length weaves, ascends, and descends, opening out onto a panoramic view of Kaunas Reservoir. If you do a short stop at the rest sites, you will see Vieškūnų Hillfort, Palemonas, and towers of Pažaislis Abbey. But the most spectacular view opens up at the end of the trail, i.e. Kalniškiai conglomerate escarpment. A conglomerate is a natural cement that hasbeen formed from lime, clay, gravel and pebble atthe beginning of the Glacial Age. The length of the escarpment reaches 400 m, at aheight of 22 m. Nature continues creating thisembankmentby making holes in the rock, separating considerable lumps from the steep and dropping them in the Reservoir or rolling down the coast.

When travelling the trail, you will also notice the thick, hundred-year-old limetree growing in the environs of Kaunas Reservoir. Try hugging it -- its thickness is "just" 4.3 m. Travellers visiting this place are astonished by the unusual beauty of the landscape, and by the funny information boards with brain-teasers. If you want your children to show interest in the science of nature, bring them with you and wait patiently until they solve the brain-teasers related to local plants, birds and other natural riches that can be found along the trail. Wash your hands in the spring. And, as one of the information boards says, "Wi-fi doesn't work here. Instead, bring yourself into contact with nature".

The most convenient way to reach the trail is to take a car. The distance from Kaunas city centre is about 20 km. You can find the sign indicating the beginning of the Trail in Žiegždrių city centre. Make sure you have comfortable shoes for long walks. Please bear in mind that the trail with steps is not suitable for bicycles or prams. Furthermore, this route is not circular, so save some strength for the return trip.  Parking can be found at the beginning and at the end of the trail.


Pranelis 2021-02-13

Vasara tik graziai buna ziema va buvau siandien tai nelabai ir grazu kai nera gamtos zalumo

serzikas 2020-03-17


Andrius 2019-09-19

Turiningas laikas gamtoje. Būtinai verta apsilankyti.